Oak Ridge National Laboratory is working on completing the resonance parameter evaluation of 140,142Ce in the neutron energy range up to 200 keV. Performed with the support of the US Nuclear Criticality Safety Program, this evaluation aims to generate high-fidelity cerium cross-section and covariance data. A point-wise representation of the cross sections derived from the resonance parameters will provide improved calculations of self-shielding factors for nuclear criticality safety applications and additional evaluation support for continuous-energy radiation transport methodologies. The evaluation procedure uses the Reich Moore approximation of the R-matrix theory implemented in the SAMMY code system to fit resonance parameters to high-resolution transmission and neutron capture measurements of natCe performed in 2016 by the JRC-GEEL instrument scientists at the Geel Linear Accelerator facility as well as other experimental data sets on both natural and highly-enriched cerium samples available in the experimental library EXFOR. In the analyzed energy range this work aims to improve and extend the resolved resonance region present in the latest US nuclear data library ENDF/B-VIII.0 for 140,142Ce isotopes. This paper will present the preliminary results of the R-matrix analysis based on recently measured natCe transmission data.