Bianca Haberl High Pressure Scientist Contact | 865.576.2402 All Publications Observation of high-pressure polymorphs in bulk silicon formed at relativistic laser intensities... Pressure control of magnetic order and excitations in the pyrochlore antiferromagnet MgCr2O4 Extensively Microtwinned Diamond with Nanolaminates of Lonsdaleite Formed by Flash Laser Heating of Glassy Carbon Incommensurate Spiral Spin Order in CaMn2Bi2 Observed via High-Pressure Neutron Diffraction The structure and electronic properties of tetrahedrally bonded hydrogenated amorphous carbon Neutron scattering study of polyamorphic THF·17(H2O) – toward a generalized picture of amorphous states and structures der... Search for High-Pressure Silicon Phases: Reaching the Extreme Conditions with High-Intensity Laser Irradiation... Advancing neutron diffraction for accurate structural measurement of light elements at megabar pressures... Development of Large-Volume-Diamond Anvil Cell for Neutron Diffraction: The Neutron Diamond Anvil Cell Project at ORNL... A flexible neutron spectrometer concept with a new ultra-high field steady-state vertical-bore magnet Melting diamond in the diamond cell by laser-flash heating... Multi-extreme conditions at the Second Target Station High pressure neutron diffraction on WAND2 with a Paris-Edinburgh press... Behavior of Long-Chain Hydrocarbons at High Pressures and Temperatures... The 23rd National School on Neutron & X-Ray Scattering 2021—Virtual School with Remote Experiments... Methods for neutron diffraction studies on hydride superconductors and other metal hydrides... Novel data analysis method for obtaining better performance from a complex 3D-printed collimator 3D-printed B 4 C collimation for neutron pressure cells... In situ synchrotron diffraction of pressure-induced phase transition in DyPO4 under variable hydrostaticity... Spectroscopic Investigation of the High-Pressure Behavior of Aliphatic Hydrocarbon: Implications for Planetary Processes... Neutron diffraction discriminates between models for the nanoarchitecture of graphene sheets in glassy carbon... Formation of short-range magnetic order and avoided ferromagnetic quantum criticality in pressurized LaCrGe3... Synthesis of novel phases in Si nanowires using diamond anvil cells at high pressures and temperatures... The 22nd National School on Neutron & X-ray Scattering 2020 – Upsides of going virtual... Investigation of Room Temperature Formation of the Ultra‐Hard Nanocarbons Diamond and Lonsdaleite... Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCID Organizations Neutron Sciences Directorate Neutron Scattering Division