Ali Passian Contact | 865.241.3204 All Publications Heartbeat: Detecting Malware by Periodic Power Signal Injection and Monitoring... Linear-frequency conversion with time-varying metasurfaces Quantum Key Distribution for Critical Infrastructures: Towards Cyber-Physical Security for Hydropower and Dams Ultrasensitive Photothermal Spectroscopy: Harnessing the Seebeck Effect for Attogram-Level Detection Imaging beyond the surface region: Probing hidden materials via atomic force microscopy Classical and quantum compression for edge computing: the ubiquitous data dimensionality reduction... The Concept of a Quantum Edge Simulator: Edge Computing and Sensing in the Quantum Era Stealthy Cyber Anomaly Detection On Large Noisy Multi-material 3D Printer Datasets Using Probabilistic Models... Bayesian Estimation of Oscillator Parameters: Toward Anomaly Detection and Cyber-Physical System Security... Quantum states of cylindrical surface charge density for modeling plasmonic circuit elements: Nanowires, nanorods, cavities, ... A Bayesian approach to nanoparticle characterization Semicomputational calculation of Bragg shift in stratified materials Bayesian inference for plasmonic nanometrology... Atomic Force Microscopy and Infrared Nanospectroscopy of COVID-19 Spike Protein for the Quantification of Adhesion to Common ... In situ plant materials hyperspectral imaging by multimodal scattering near-field optical microscopy... Control-Theory-Informed Feature Selection for Detecting Malicious Tampering in Additive Layer Manufacturing Processes... Surface plasmon enhanced fast electron emission from metallised fibre optic nanotips... Quantum Hamiltonian for the surface charge density on a ring torus and radiative decay of plasmons... Photofield electron emission from an optical fiber nanotip... Excitation of Bloch Surface Waves in Zero-Admittance Multilayers for High-Sensitivity Sensor Applications... Nanomechanics and Raman Spectroscopy of in Situ Native Carbohydrate Storage Granules for Enhancing Starch Quality and Lignoce... Sensitivity of resonance properties of all-dielectric multilayers driven by statistical fluctuations... Nanosystems, Edge Computing, and the Next Generation Computing Systems... Anomalous interfacial stress generation during sodium intercalation/extraction in MoS 2 thin-film anodes... Quantization of surface charge density on hyperboloidal and paraboloidal domains with application to plasmon decay rate on na... Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 … Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCID Google Scholar Plasmonics Subsurface microscopy Standoff spectroscopy Plant cells at the nanoscale Organizations Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate Computational Sciences and Engineering Division Quantum Information Science Section Quantum Computing and Sensing Group