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Research Highlight

Adaptive Single Parameter Total Variation Regularization for Derivative Estimation

Brief: An adaptive single parameter total variation regularization (ASP-TVR) was developed for accurate and faster estimation of derivatives from noisy data to support the development of physics-informed machine learning methods.

Accomplishment: An ASP-TVR was developed for accurate and faster estimation of temporal derivatives of noisy time series data with varying frequency content.  The accurate computation of these derivatives is necessary for learning the physics of dynamic systems from time series data with 1% mean noise.  The performance of the ASP-TVR shows significant improvement in accuracy when compared against spline fitting, total variation regularization (TVR) [1], and single parameter TVR (SP-TVR) [2] by 92%, 57% and 32% respectively.  The proposed ASP-TVR overcomes the limitation of SP-TVR for these systems while increasing accuracy and speed of estimation.  The reduction of computation time by 5% saves significant resources when this technique is used in iterative machine learning algorithms.  

Specific accomplishments are: 

  • The ASP-TVR was developed to accurately estimate derivatives of time series data containing varying frequency content.
  • A time-frequency analysis approach was integrated with the SP-TVR method to allow determination of the adaptive parameter, by using windowed frequency content and amplitude threshold at the appropriate scale (higher scales).
  • Tests with benchmark dynamic system data indicate the ASP TVR gives a ~30% improvement in accuracy with a modest (5%) improvement in computation speed when compared to SP-TVR method.

Description:  The real advantage of the ASP-TVR is with data containing time-varying frequency content, which is common in many real-world dynamic systems.  In these systems, the use of conventional SP-TVR method results in lower estimation accuracy and higher computation time.  The ASP-TVR determines the adaptive parameter using time-frequency analysis and computing windowed frequency information. The time-frequency analysis allows the selection of the proper scale for applying the amplitude threshold necessary in the ASP-TVR.  TVR uses scaling parameter (alpha)=1x10-9 and optimized derivative order=1 (trial and error-based determination by minimizing spikes in derivative).  SP-TVR uses Max frequency = 25 Hz, determined based on maximum frequency content in signal determined using Fourier transforms of entire data.  Sample rate (dt) considered for data generation 0.02.  Sparse regression library polynomial order 2.  The use of the ASP-TVR for computing time derivatives, in combination with the sparse regression method [3], increases the accuracy of the learned attractor dynamics for a benchmark dynamic system (Lorenz system). 

Adaptive Single Parameter Total Variation Regularization for Derivative Estimation
Actual response of Lorenz system and response with 1% mean noise (Left). Estimated derivative using various methods are compared. Discovered ODE and the coefficients estimated using derivatives and sparse regression method are shown. The computation speed and mean absolute error between analytical derivatives (True) and computed derivatives is compared. The ASP-TVR provides most smooth derivative with 32% improvement in accuracy and 5% improvement in computation when compared to SP-TVR method.

Acknowledgement: This research is sponsored by the Artificial Intelligence Initiative as part of the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the US Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725.

Contact: Wesley Williams (

Team: Wesley Williams, Vivek Rathod, Xingang Zhao, Seung-Hwan Lim, Pradeep Ramuhalli


  1. L. I. Rudin, S. Osher and E. Fatemi, "Nonlinear total variation-based noise removal algorithms", Phys. D Nonlinear Phenomena, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 259-268, Nov. 1992.
  2. F. Van Breugel, J. N. Kutz and B. W. Brunton, "Numerical Differentiation of Noisy Data: A Unifying Multi-Objective Optimization Framework," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 196865-196877, 2020.
  3. Steven L. Brunton, Joshua L. Proctor, and J. Nathan Kutz, "Discovering governing equations from data by sparse identification of nonlinear dynamical systems," PNAS, 113(15), 2016, 3932–3937.