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Scalable Proximity-Based Methods for Large-Scale Analysis of Atom Probe Data

by Hao Lu, Sudip K Seal, Jonathan D Poplawsky
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
2018 IEEE 25th International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC)
Publication Date
Page Numbers
235 to 244
Conference Name
25TH IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC)
Conference Location
Bangalore, India
Conference Sponsor
Conference Date

Powered by recent advances in data acquisition technologies, today's state-of-the-art atom probe microscopes yield data sets with sizes ranging from a few million atoms to billions of atoms. Analysis of these atomic data sets within rea-sonable turnaround times is a pressing data analysis challenge for material scientists currently equipped with software systems that do not scale to these massive data sets. Here, we present the shared memory component of a larger ongoing effort to develop a multi-feature data analysis framework capable of analyzing atom probe data of all sizes and scales from desktop multicore machines to large-scale high-performance computing platforms with hybrid (shared and distributed memory) architectures. Our focus here is on a broad class of popular atom probe data analysis methods that rely on core time-consuming k-NN queries. We present a scalable, heuristic algorithm for k-NN queries using three-dimensional range trees. To demonstrate its efficacy, the k-NN algorithm is integrated with two use cases of atom probe data analysis methods and the resulting analysis times are shown to speedup by over 20X on a 32-core Cray XC40 node using workloads up to 8 million atoms, which is already beyond the at-scale capabilities of existing atom probe software. Using this k-NN algorithm, we also introduce a novel parameter estimation method for a class of cluster finding methods, called friends-of-friends (FoF) methods, to completely bypass their expensive pre-processing steps. In each case, we validate the results on a variety of control data sets.