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In-Rod Sensor System Overview, Benefits and Recent Irradiation Test Results...

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
13th Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control & Human-Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC&HMIT 2023)
Publication Date
Page Numbers
8 to 20
Publisher Location
Illinois, United States of America
Conference Name
13th Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control and Human-Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC&HMIT 2023)
Conference Location
Knoxville, Tennessee, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
American Nuclear Society
Conference Date

Westinghouse is developing an In-Rod Sensor (IRS) System capable of measuring critical fuel rod parameters such as center-line fuel temperature, rod internal pressure and axial fuel pellet stack elongation without having penetrations to the fuel rod. The technology is similar to the Halden Reactor instrumentation, but the IRS system focuses on commercial fuel rod instrumentation. Both systems circumvent fuel rod penetrations, however the IRS system overcomes unique geometric challenges found in commercial fuel rod assemblies. The IRS could also play a key role in accelerated fuel qualification by allowing real-time measurements during separate effects tests, integral fuel testing or during irradiation of lead test rods or lead test assemblies. Combining these measurements with data acquired from targeted separate effects testing and multi-scale modelling could significantly reduce the time required to qualify new fuel and reduce the safety margin uncertainty of operating plants. The IRS is actively in development for Light Water Reactors (LWR) based fuel assemblies but can also be applied to Gen IV reactor designs with minimal modifications.