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An out-of-distribution-aware autoencoder model for reduced chemical kinetics

by Pei Zhang, Siyan Liu, Dan Lu, Ramanan Sankaran, Guannan Zhang
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Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S
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While detailed chemical kinetic models have been successful in representing rates of chemical reactions in continuum scale computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, applying the models in simulations for engineering device conditions is computationally prohibitive. To reduce the cost, data-driven methods, e.g., autoencoders, have been used to construct reduced chemical kinetic models for CFD simulations. Despite their success, data-driven methods rely heavily on training data sets and can be unreliable when used in out-of-distribution (OOD) regions (i.e., when extrapolating outside of the training set). In this paper, we present an enhanced autoencoder model for combustion chemical kinetics with uncertainty quantification to enable the detection of model usage in OOD regions, and thereby creating an OOD-aware autoencoder model that contributes to more robust CFD simulations of reacting flows. We first demonstrate the effectiveness of the method in OOD detection in two well-known datasets, MNIST and Fashion-MNIST, in comparison with the deep ensemble method, and then present the OOD-aware autoencoder for reduced chemistry model in syngas combustion.