Dan Lu

Dan Lu

Senior Staff Scientist



Dan Lu is a Senior Staff Scientist in the Computational Earth Sciences Group in the Computational Sciences and Engineering Division. Her research interests include Machine Learning (ML), Uncertainty Quantification (UQ), Surrogate Modeling, Inverse Modeling, Multimodel Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis, Experimental Design, and Numerical Simulations of Hydrological and Earth Systems. Dan is the PI of multiple projects funded by both the Office of Science and Applied Offices within DOE, including an UQ for ML project, an Earth System Modeling project, a Hydropower project, and a Geological Carbon Storage project. She has served on several editorial boards of international journals, organized dozens of technical workshops, authored over 70 publications, and developed two software.

Dan earned her Ph.D. in Computational Hydrology at Florida State University in 2012, and received the DOE Early Career Award in 2023. 

Her personal webpage is here.

  • DOE Early Career Award, 2023.
  • The Most Exciting Future Direction Award on UQ for ML project, 2023.
  • Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award at CSED, ORNL, 2022.
  • Topic Editor: Geoscientific Model Development, 2021 -- Present
  • Associate Editor: Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems, 2021 -- Present
  • Associate Editor: Frontiers in Water, 2022 -- Present
  • Editor: Special issue on Data-driven machine learning for advancing hydrological and hydraulic predictability, Frontiers in Water, 2022.
  • Co-editor: Special issue on advances in multiphase flow and transport in the subsurface environment, Geouids, 2018.
  • Leadership team of Climate Change Science Institute at ORNL, 2023 -- Now.
  • Groundwater Technique Committee for American Geophysics Union, 2016 -- Now.
  • SIAM Activity Group on Mathematics of Planet Earth, 2021 -- Now.
  • Program Committee for Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning Workshop, 2022 -- Now.
  • Program Committee for AI for Robust Engineering and Sciences Workshop, 2021 -- 2022.
  • Program Committee for Climate and Weather Domain of PASC19 Conference, 2019.
  • Review Committee for Enzyme Engineering Initiative at ORNL, 2022 -- 2023.
  • Co-led Artificial Intelligence Summer Institute, 2019.
  • Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
  • American Geophysical Union (AGU)
  • European Geosciences Union (EGU)
  • Geologic Society of America (GSA)
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