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Grain Structure Evolution in Fe-6Si During Directed Energy Deposition

Publication Type
Journal Name
Journal of the Minerals Metals & Materials Society (JOM)
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1031 to 1043

The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of additive manufacturing (AM) process variables on the grain structure of Fe-6Si, a soft-magnetic alloy used in electrical machine and grid applications. Samples were fabricated with laser engineered net shaping (LENS) with varying inter-pass timing and numbers of unidirectional passes. The results show that the grain structure was affected by both solidification and solid-state grain growth mechanisms. A model of the LENS process suggests that, although shorter inter-pass times encourage greater nucleation of new grains and therefore grain refinement during solidification, these conditions also help maintain high solid-state temperatures that allow for grain boundary motion to keep pace with the build rate. Grains formed under these conditions may span multiple layers, and the high-temperature gradient promotes directional growth. This new understanding of these microstructure evolution mechanisms will aid in using process conditions to control the competition between solidification and solid-state grain growth to create grain structures that may not be possible with conventional processing.