Qualification of advanced nuclear fuels and materials requires irradiation testing to provide input to predictive models for licensing. Oak Ridge National Laboratory has a long history of performing accelerated irradiation testing and post-irradiation examination (PIE) of miniature material specimens to determine the evolution of microstructure and thermophysical properties, leveraging the High Flux Isotope Reactor, dedicated hot cells, and instruments for handling small, low-level radioactive samples. This work gives a brief overview of irradiation testing of miniature samples to support qualification of advanced fuel cladding materials such as FeCrAl alloys and SiC ceramic matrix composites. More recent work has enabled separate effects irradiation testing of miniature fuel specimens. The small fuel size essentially decouples fuel temperature from fission rate, allowing for highly accelerated testing without large temperature gradients. This paper briefly highlights the new mini fuel irradiation facility and its first set of experiments.