The world-class teams at ORNL that provide support and technical analyses to DOE, NRC, NNSA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), industry, and many international partners are available to address your most challenging issues. Our experienced teams can provide support for your needs, assisting in creating models, implementing technical guidance, or designing customized approaches. The analysis
expertise of our teams does not rely exclusively on ORNL-developed tools; we draw from a broad collection of commercial and DOE software that can be leveraged across a broad range of technical areas including the following:
- Nuclear data
- Radiation shielding and criticality safety
- Reactor neutronics
- Thermal hydraulics and CFD
- Nuclear materials
- Thermomechanics and fuels
- Reactor core analysis
- Accident analysis
- Fusion plasma physics
- Nuclear safeguards and security
- Fuel cycle analysis
- Nuclear transportation and storage analysis
- Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA)
- High-performance computing
- Parametric design sensitivity
- Advanced meshing capabilities
- Client application deployment
The expertise at ORNL is applied to effectively leverage our advanced software and computer hardware capabilities to identify, develop, and deliver custom solutions for your problems. Your team can benefit from working directly with ORNL teams for short- or long-term visits as guest scientists, especially within ORNL’s high tech collaboration spaces. See each of the topics below for additional information.