Examination of materials irradiated in a reactor, specifically the used fuel, provides the basic data that serve as the building blocks upon which all future reactor, fuel cycle, and disposal facility designs, safety evaluations, models, reactor and fuel codes, and licensing bases will be based. This information is critically needed by industry vendors, the NRC, utilities, concerned stakeholders, and DOE to allow the programs currently active and those being planned to successfully move forward to completion. Many of the facilities, tests, and information necessary to support the development and licensing of new nuclear fuels are dependent on the same or similar post-irradiation examination (PIE) data required to support the spent fuel storage, transportation, and disposal programs.
By applying ORNL’s combination of experience in modeling and simulation development, regulatory licensing support, hot cell capabilities, and PIE experience gained testing numerous types of spent nuclear fuel over several decades, we can synergistically provide the information needed to support new fuel development, spent fuel characterization, advanced reactor licensing, and modeling and simulation validation programs.