Isotope Science and Engineering Directorate Facilities
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has a mission to produce isotopes and develop nuclear fuels and other new materials—work enabled by the Laboratory’s unique complex of nuclear facilities. The diverse R&D undertaken at ORNL requires hot and cold laboratories, glove boxes, high bays, and heavily shielded hot cells, with an array of specialized equipment. ORNL has highly trained workers to staff and maintain these facilities, keeping science happening around the clock. Without these support systems, the world-changing research performed by ORNL and its collaborators would be impossible.
Research Thrusts
• Advanced manufacturing techniques in a nuclear environment
• Examination of advanced nuclear fuel forms after they have been irradiated
• Characterization of the properties of irradiated materials
• Continuous improvements to nuclear fuel waste forms
• Nuclear nonproliferation science to keep our nation safe
• Isotope production for applications in research, national security, medicine, and industry