Irradiated Material Examination and Testing Facility
The Irradiated Material Examination and Testing (IMET) Facility, Building 3025E, was designed and built in 1950 as a hot cell facility. It is a block-and-brick structure with a two-story high bay and houses six heavily shielded cells and 60 shielded storage wells. It includes the Specimen Prep Lab (SPL) with its associated laboratory hood and glove boxes; an operating area, where control and monitoring instruments supporting the in-cell test equipment are staged; a utility corridor; a hot equipment storage area; a tank vault room; office space; a trucking area with access to the high bay; and an outside steel building for storage. Tests and examinations are conducted in six dedicated hot cells and in a laboratory hood or modified glove boxes in the SPL.
What We Do
• Physical and mechanical properties testing
• Examination of irradiated materials
• Irradiated specimen storage
• Sample preparation
In-Cell Capabilities
• Sample sorting and identification
• Sample machining using a CNC milling machine
and diamond saws
• Furnace annealing
• Automated welding
• Ultrasonic cleaning
• High-temperature, high-vacuum testing
• Tensile testing with high-vacuum chamber option
• Impact testing, fatigue and fracture toughness testing of
standard and subsize impact specimens
• Automated micro-hardness testing
• Profilometry
• Scanning Electron Microscopy (PhilipsXL30)
Take a closer look at the Irradiated Material Examination and Testing Facility (IMET) Sheet