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Dissipation Driven Quantum State Engineering

Project Details

Principal Investigator
Funding Source
Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD)
Start Date
ORNL Image
<p>Two qubits couple to a plasmonic nanostructure</p>

Quantum computing is a hugely promising technology but its realization is currently inhibited by the imposing task of simultaneously isolating and controlling fragile quantum systems. For example, qubit dissipation is generally viewed as anathema to quantum computing because the decoherence induced by dissipative coupling to the environment destroys quantum correlations. However, recent work by Verstraete et al. demonstrated that dissipation can serve as a quantum resource rather than an obstacle for quantum computation. Using a combination of state-selective pumping mechanisms and designed environmental dissipation, it is possible to drive a system into a desired steady state in a procedure analogous to adiabatic quantum computation. In this way, the environmental coupling acts as a resource for the removal of entropy induced by decoherence from the system. We are working to develop a general theoretical framework for dissipation-driven entanglement in a hybrid quantum dot – plasmonic system; fabricate candidate devices for experimental proof-of-concept; and experimentally demonstrate dissipation-driven entanglement under ambient conditions. The result will be a scalable quantum computing platform-on-a-chip that may not require cryogenic cooling whatsoever.


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