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Data Management Plan

1. Data types and sources

The data that will be obtained will be primarily from the Biological Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (Bio-SANS) instrument at the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR). There will be two main classes of data; (a) SANS data obtained through the Bio-SANS General User Program, and (b) SANS data obtained from projects led by CSMB team members or that result from collaborations. In the latter case, specific data types include processed SANS data; measurements from other characterization techniques; and in some cases, computational models of proteins and other biomolecules.

2. Content and format

The data will be compliant with common best practices. The raw acquisition data and metadata from experiments carried out at the HFIR and SNS are stored on ORNL institutional clusters. Processed data will be recorded and captured in a four-column tabular format—i.e., x-axis, y-axis, error in y-axis and uncertainty in x-axis. The data will be accompanied by metadata and other relevant documentation. Documentation to be shared includes publications, which will be made available in the ORNL RESolution publication tracking system.

3. Sharing and preservation

Data obtained through the Bio-SANS general user program will be stored on password protected ORNL institutional clusters. Researchers can only access their individual experiments and data will not be shared or transferred without written permission from the principal investigator of a particular experiment. SANS data is cross-referenced via the Integrated Proposal Tracking System (IPTS) to specific experiments. Data storage procedures will be consistent with the SNS/HFIR institutional data management plan.

While SNS and HFIR currently preserve all data obtained on scattering instruments, users are responsible for the long-term preservation of their data. Currently, SNS and HFIR experiment data are stored on separate file servers. “Home” directories will be provided to the participants of this effort. These directories are persistent across proposals and are currently preserved on the file system once created. To manage file system usage, older data are migrated to offline storage for archival storage. Data obtained from projects led by the CSMB team will be preserved at ORNL for at least the duration of the CSMB project, and through using community-based long-term options as well as supplementary data depositories linked to publications.

4. Publications

Peer-reviewed publications produced by this project will be made available via the DOE's "Public Access Gateway for Energy and Science" (DOE PAGES) which provides free public access to peer-reviewed publications twelve months after the date of publication. PAGES integrates with the publishers' consortium, Clearinghouse for the Open Research of the United States (CHORUS), to link to the published version of the article, if available, or to the full text of the accepted manuscript hosted by the RESolution Publication System at ORNL.