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Xin Sun

Decarbonization is just one of many initiatives Sun is focused on in her role leading ORNL’s largest applied science directorate.

Balendra Sutharshan

Leading a complex directorate requires expertise and vision. Sutharshan first began developing those qualities not in a radiological lab or at a nuclear reactor, but under the Golden Arches. 

Stan Wullschleger

As head of the Biological and Environmental Systems Science Directorate, Wullschleger leads a diverse and inclusive organization focused on advancing understanding of the natural world and developing innovations that benefit the environment and grow the nation’s bioeconomy.

Bryan P. Maldonado Puente

"As a scientist, I enjoy learning and contributing to the understanding of our natural world."

Yiling Yu

"I am always curious about the underlying mechanisms of how things work and why things appear in their current forms in nature."

Jian Peng

"Becoming a scientist was the dream of my childhood."

Faye Koenigsmark

"Through my research on mercury fate and transport, I’ve become aware of the inequitable impact of environmental exposures on communities of color and low-income communities."