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ORNL computational microbiologist Chris Ellis

Readers of ORNL Review know that our national laboratories are home to super-cool, state-of-the-art facilities where scientists and engineers develop amazing technologies. Equally important is the role national labs play in boosting the nation’s economy by teaming up with business and industrial partners to move these technologies from the laboratory to the marketplace.

Cars charging

In the pursuit of electric cars with better range and lower cost, researchers have sought improvements to every inch of the vehicle, from a lighter-weight chassis to more energy-dense batteries. ORNL scientists recently contributed a new material to the cause, creating a method to produce a composite that is both lighter and better at conducting electricity than standard electric motor components.

Joel Brogan

"In high school, I took a calculus class almost as a fluke and learned that I was good at it."

Madalynn Marshall

"I knew I was in the right field when chemistry started to feel like an old friend."

Yadukrishnan (Yadu) Sasikumar

"My parents were dedicated to science, and it didn’t take me long to develop an interest in it."

Erica Grant

"I enjoy gaining a deeper understanding of our universe and working with cutting-edge technology to develop new and innovative solutions."

Miguel Toro Gonzalez

"Science is an endless loop of experiments, failures, successes and discoveries that can revolutionize the way we live and see life."