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Susan Solomon is the Ellen Swallow Richards Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In the mid-1980s she led expeditions to Antarctica that confirmed a growing hole in the Earth’s ozone layer and laid the blame on the human use of chlorofl...

ORNL Image

Ada Yonath serves as director of the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Center in Rehovot, Israel. In 2009 she received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her pioneering work in the structure and function of the ribosome.

Yonath delivered the Jan. 15 Eugene P. Wigner Distinguished Lecture on the topic “...

Early Oak Ridge

At 2:22 PM on August 25, 1965, the High Flux Isotope Reactor achieved criticality for the first time. Just over a year later, HFIR reached its design power of 100 megawatts, delivering the highest neutron flux of any research reactor in the world.

As its name implies, HFIR’s primary ...