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Rigoberto Advincula

ORNL nanoscientist Rigoberto Advincula is heading up the carbon initiative’s efforts to identify chemical processes that convert captured CO2 and other carbon emissions and byproducts into high-value commodities.

Allen Scheie

"I chose a career in science because I was fascinated by nature following precise, mathematical laws."

Tugba Turnaoglu

"My endless passion for learning new things and my scientific curiosity led me to be a scientist."

Obed D. Acevedo Román

"I have always been fascinated by metals, and the research I work on provides new challenges every day, which makes for a rather exciting career."

Sujana Chandrasekar

"With my parents having strong math and physics backgrounds, I saw science as a natural career option."

Daniel Claudino

"I have always found it fascinating that even quite complex natural phenomena lend themselves to mathematical models."

Samantha Peters

"I love that science is an unfinished story; there are so many unanswered questions that must be addressed for a better understanding of the natural environment."