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A natural spruce bog in northern Minnesota contains more than 10,000 years of carbon accumulated from peatlands and may answer questions about how Earth will respond to predicted warming and increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide.

About seven acres of the raised bog is home to SPRUCE, which stan...

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Anew project at ORNL is examining the potential for consumers to generate, store and use electrical power via an energy system that includes their homes, their vehicles and the grid—all managed by a common “brain.” The Additive Manufacturing Integrated Energy (AMIE) demonstration may be a bellwether...

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Former laboratory director and ORNL patriarch Alvin Weinberg had many gifts, including an innate ability to bridge gaps both political and scientific.

Those who knew him said he was approachable to a degree rare among the world’s scientific elite. So it was only natural to include Weinberg ...

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A recent report from the National Academies reinforces a point we’ve known all along: Postdoctoral positions at ORNL and other national laboratories are great opportunities for young researchers.

“The Postdoctoral Experience Revisited” is less enthusiastic about university postdocs, especially fo...

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There’s a good reason research institutions keep pushing for faster supercomputers: They allow the researchers to develop more realistic simulations than slower machines. This is indispensable for scientists and engineers striving to understand the workings of the universe or to create powerful new ...

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Summit won’t be open to users for another three years, but let’s not forget that ORNL already has the world’s second-fastest computer—the 27 petaflop Titan.

Titan has been ranked either first or second in the world since researchers began using it in 2012. In fact, Titan delivered more computing ...

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To help researchers make the most of Summit from day one, the Center for Accelerated Application Readiness brings application developers together with experts from the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility and hardware makers IBM and NVIDIA. Their work will identify the best development strategies...