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Liane Russell

The life of celebrated ORNL biologist Liane Russell was remarkable in many respects — from her childhood flight from Austria ahead of the Nazi invasion to her 60-year career as a trailblazing woman in the field of genetics to her decades of advocacy for environmental causes. 

Xin Sun

It's easy enough to see why ORNL is looking forward to the coming decade and beyond.

Petro Maksymovych

Every year, the Web of Science Group announces its list of Highly Cited Researchers. This year's list includes nine scientists from ORNL.

Dr. Bart Iddins

ORNL’s world-class researchers get plenty of well-deserved attention, but the lab also owes its success to the people behind the scenes.


ORNL has been an important national resource for more than 75 years and provides leadership in supercomputing, nuclear and neutron science, advanced materials, manufacturing, isotope production, environmental science and many other fields.

John Powell

The contributions of ORNL staff members in their communities range from donating to United Way and other nonprofits to volunteering for service and fundraising events with Team UT-Battelle, to—on occasion—even founding a nonprofit.