Vyacheslav Bryantsev GL-RPR Chemical Separations Contact 865.576.4272 | bryantsevv@ornl.gov All Publications The Role of Nonequilibrium Solvent Effects in Enhancing Direct CO2 Capture at the Air–Aqueous Amino Acid Interface Ab initio simulated Van Hove correlation function for time-resolved local dynamics in molten MgCl2... Hierarchical Ion Interactions in the Direct Air Capture of CO2 at Air/Aqueous Interfaces Thermally Driven Catch-and-Release of CoCl 2 Transient Covalency in Molten Uranium(III) Chloride... Adsorption, Orientation, and Speciation of Amino Acids at Air–Aqueous Interfaces for the Direct Air Capture of CO2 Taming Molecular Folding: Anion-Templated Foldamers with Tunable Quaternary Structures Heterogeneous Structure, Mechanisms of Counterion Exchange, and the Spacer Salt Effect in Complex Molten Salt Mixtures Including LaCl3 Neural network based analysis of multimodal bond distributions using extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectra Synergistic Assembly of Charged Oligomers and Amino Acids at the Air–Water Interface: An Avenue toward Surface-Directed CO2... Tracing mechanistic pathways and reaction kinetics toward equilibrium in reactive molten salts Unravelling photoisomerization dynamics in a metastable-state photoacid... Molecular Design of Functional Polymers for Silica Scale Inhibition An ab initio free energy study of the reaction mechanism and rate-limiting steps of CO2 capture by aqueous glycine Structure of the Bastnäsite (001) Surface by Crystal Truncation Rod X-ray Diffraction and Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics: Implications for Separations of a Rare Earth Ore Mineral Tuning aminopolycarboxylate chelators for efficient complexation of trivalent actinides Multiobjective Hyperparameter Optimization for Deep Learning Interatomic Potential Training Using NSGA-II Direct Extraction of Sodium Hydroxide by Calix[4]pyrrole-Based Ion-Pair Receptors Photochemically-Driven CO2 Release Using a Metastable-State Photoacid for Energy Efficient Direct Air Capture Chemical Feedback in the Self-Assembly and Function of Air–Liquid Interfaces: Insight into the Bottlenecks of CO 2 Direct Air Capture Transferable Deep Learning Potential Reveals Intermediate-Range Ordering Effects in LiF–NaF–ZrF4 Molten Salt Nucleation Rate Theory for Coordination Number: Elucidating Water-Mediated Formation of a Zigzag Na2SO4 Morphology Complete Description of the LaCl3–NaCl Melt Structure and the Concept of a Spacer Salt That Causes Structural Heterogeneity Characterization of Lanthanum Monazite Surface Chemistry and Crystal Morphology through Density Functional Theory and Experimental Approaches Anti-electrostatic hydrogen-bonded tellurate dimers captured and stabilized by crystallization of a bis-iminoguanidinium salt Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 … Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links ORCID Organizations Physical Sciences Directorate Chemical Sciences Division Separations and Polymer Chemistry Section Chemical Separations Group