Stephen A Taller Alvin M. Weinberg Fellow, R&D Associate Contact 865.341.3629 | All Publications An approach to combine neutron and ion irradiation data to accelerate material qualification for nuclear reactors Predicting structural material degradation in advanced nuclear reactors with ion irradiation Characterization of the Microstructure of Yttrium Hydride under Proton Irradiation... Promoting regulatory acceptance of combined ion and neutron irradiation testing of nuclear reactor materials: Modeling and software considerations Hydrogen embrittlement of Zircaloy-4 fabricated by ultrasonic additive manufacturing Report on the Integration of Experimental and Modeling Data for Initial Equivalence Study of Microstructural Evolution in Irradiated LPBF 316SS Complete Optimization of LPBF Ni-Based Alloys Down-Selected from FY23 Candidate Materials Including, Thermodynamic Modeling, Sample Fabrication and Microstructure Characterization Comparison of hardening and microstructures of ferritic/martensitic steels irradiated with fast neutrons and dual ions... A new paradigm in electron microscopy: Automated microstructure analysis utilizing a dynamic segmentation convolutional neutral network Prioritization of Existing Reactor Materials AMMT FY23 HFIR Irradiation Test Matrix – Supported by the Design of a Miniature Bend Bar Irradiation Vehicle Preliminary Feasibility of Printing, Microstructure Analysis and Mechanical Performance of a Down Selected Ni Alloy Using post-processing heat treatments to elucidate precipitate strengthening of additively manufactured superalloy 718 Report on Evolution of Inconel 718 Following HFIR Irradiation... Solute segregation and precipitation across damage rates in dual-ion–irradiated T91 steel Understanding radiation effects in friction stir welded MA956 using ion irradiation and a rate theory model Irradiation Facilities and Irradiation Methods for High Power Target Microchemical evolution of irradiated additive-manufactured HT9 Report on Properties and Microstructure of 3D Printed Inc-718 Utilizing a Dynamic Segmentation Convolutional Neural Network for Microstructure Analysis of Additively Manufactured Superalloy 718 Key Links Curriculum Vitae Google Scholar ORCID LinkedIn IMPACT@ORNL Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division Nuclear Fuel Development Section Fuel Cladding and Core Internals Group