Next-generation nuclear power plants are generally characterized by higher operating temperatures, increased neutron fluences and energies, and distinct corrosive coolant environments versus the existing light water reactor fleet. Whether using existing materials in new environments, newly developed materials tailored for these environments, or new manufacturing methods, the traditional decades-long approach for materials qualification does not facilitate rapid deployment. Ion irradiation has demonstrated success in reproducing material microstructure and select property evolution resulting from neutron irradiation with three to four orders of magnitude reduction in time and cost, making it an ideal candidate for accelerated irradiation testing. Because microstructure has a large impact on bulk material properties, limited neutron irradiation data at lower damage levels can in principle be combined with accelerated ion testing results and modeling and simulation to form an accurate prediction of microstructure evolution and select properties under different neutron irradiation conditions and at higher damage levels. The objective of this work is to present a conceptual framework of specific steps to fulfill several technical challenges associated with qualifying materials for performance in radiation environments on an accelerated time frame. A brief review of the regulatory landscape for materials in nuclear environments is presented, followed by additional overviews to understand the current state of the art for correlation of materials properties across radiation environments using experimental and computational methodologies. Finally, the roles of academia, national laboratories, and industry in the advancement of this accelerated materials qualification framework are discussed as a path forward, with possible case studies presented.