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Promoting regulatory acceptance of combined ion and neutron irradiation testing of nuclear reactor materials: Modeling and software considerations

by Andrea Jokisaari, Stephen A Taller, Yiren Chen, Wei-ying Chen, Rongjie Song
Publication Type
Journal Name
Progress in Nuclear Energy
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Page Number

As the needs for the nuclear energy industry continue to evolve in the 21st century, timely adoption of new technological solutions acceptable to regulatory agencies is critical. Quantitative prediction of radiation damage in materials and its impact on mechanical properties is a key component of licensing and regulatory decisions regarding nuclear power plants. Accelerated testing methodologies such as combined ion and neutron irradiation data sets are crucial for the development and deployment of new materials and new manufacturing methods (e.g., additive manufacturing). However, regulatory acceptance of accelerated testing methodologies is necessary for their adoption. The present work discusses the fundamental basis for comparing ion- and neutron-induced material microstructures, the theory behind interpreting radiation damage across length and time scales and radiation types, and the codes, standards, and quality assurance concerns surrounding different modeling methods and software. In particular, recommendations are given as to the path forward that will enable national laboratories, academia, and industry to develop the modeling and software basis for regulatory acceptance of the combined use of ion and neutron irradiation for material performance evaluation.