Jeremy D Lore Contact | 865.574.0982 All Publications Measurement and modeling of magnetic configurations to mimic overload scenarios in the W7-X stellarator... Multi-physics modeling of tungsten collector probe samples during the WEST C4 He campaign High performance power handling in the absence of an H-mode edge in negative triangularity DIII-D plasmas Conceptual design of a Doppler spectrometer for 102 m/s cross-field flows in tokamak divertors Full time-dependent SOLPS-ITER simulation of the SPARC tokamak: actuator design for particle and divertor condition control * Exploring the effect of ELM and code-coupling frequencies on plasma and material modeling of dynamic recycling in divertors Analysis and design of fast flow liquid Li divertor for fusion nuclear science facility (FNSF) using coupled plasma boundary and LM MHD/heat transfer codes* Impact of gas injection location and divertor surface material on ITER fusion power operation phase divertor performance assessed with SOLPS-ITER INTEGRATED PLASMA AND ENGINEERING DESIGN AND ASSESSMENT FOR TOKAMAK REACTOR COMPONENTS Time-Dependent Boundary Modeling to Inform Design of SPARC Diagnostic and Actuators TIME-DEPENDENT SOLPS-ITER SIMULATIONS OF THE TOKAMAK PLASMA BOUNDARY FOR MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL... Analysing the effects of heating and gas puffing in Proto-MPEX helicon and auxiliary heated plasmas * An Efficient High-Order Solver for Diffusion Equations with Strong Anisotropy on Non-Anisotropy-Aligned Meshes... Compression of tokamak boundary plasma simulation data using a maximum volume algorithm for matrix skeleton decomposition... Bifurcation-like transition of divertor conditions induced by X-point radiation in KSTAR L-mode plasmas... Sparse regression for plasma physics Time-dependent SOLPS-ITER simulations of the tokamak plasma boundary for model predictive control using SINDy *... Novel SOLPS-ITER simulations of X-point target and snowflake divertors... A reduced model for the ITER divertor based on SOLPS solutions for ITER Q = 10 baseline conditions: B. A reduced model based on reversed-direction two point modeling* A reduced model for the ITER divertor based on SOLPS solutions for ITER Q = 10 baseline conditions: A. identifying options fo... Numerical Analysis of Liquid Metal MHD Flow and Heat Transfer for Open-Surface Li Divertor in FNSF Data-driven linear time advance operators for the acceleration of plasma physics simulation... Investigation of core impurity transport in DIII-D diverted negative triangularity plasmas... Divertor geometry modeling with the SOLPS-ITER code for reactor concepts with liquid metal divertors... High gas throughput SOLPS-ITER simulations extending the ITER database to strong detachment... Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 … Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links ORCID Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Fusion Energy Division Burning Plasma Foundations Section Power Exhaust and Particle Control Group