Edge codes such as SOLPS coupled to neutral codes such as EIRENE have become so comprehensive and sophisticated that they now constitute, in effect, 'code-experiments' that, as for actual experiments, can benefit from interpretation using simple models and conceptual frameworks, i.e. reduced models. The first task is the identification of options for the reduced model control parameters that are best suited for control of the action of the divertor, i.e. for control of target power loading and sputter–erosion, primarily. A strong correlation between the electron temperature at the divertor target, Te,t, and the neutral deuterium D2 density at the target, nD2,t, flux-tube resolved, has recently been reported for a number of code studies including SOLPS-4.3 modeling of a set of ∼50 ITER baseline cases: QDT = 10, q95 = 3, PSOL = 100 MW, metallic walls, and Ne seeding (Pitts et al 2019). Part A of the present study reports new results for largely the same ITER cases, confirming the strong correlation reported earlier between local values of Te,t, and (i) nD2,t, and (ii) normalized volumetric losses of power and pressure in the divertor. Strong correlations have now also been found, and are reported here for the first time, between Te,t and all of the divertor target quantities of practical interest. A physical explanation for this surprising result has not as yet been fully identified; nevertheless it has encouraging implications for reduced modeling of the ITER divertor. For such ITER conditions, (i) the global Ne injection rate, InjNe (Ne s−1), and (ii) the electron temperature at the location on the target where the peak power deposition occurs, Te,t@q⊥,pk (eV), are found to be promising reduced model control parameters. In this part B, a reduced model for the ITER divertor is developed and described in detail, based on reversed-direction two point modeling, Rev2PM. The input to the reduced model is a value of the variable pair $\left({T}_{\text{e},\mathrm{t}}@{q}_{\perp ,\mathrm{p}\mathrm{k}},\mathrm{I}\mathrm{n}{\mathrm{j}}_{\text{Ne}}\right)$ for a chosen case and the output are values of the various target as well as divertor-entrance quantities of practical interest, e.g. q⊥,pk, the electron density at the X-point, ne,Xpt, etc. The reduced model was quantitatively characterized using one half of the code cases; it was then used to successfully predict (replicate) the code values of e.g. ne,Xpt for the other half.