Ezekial A Unterberg Group Leader, Power Exhaust and Particle Control Group Contact 865.576.6390 | unterbergea@ornl.gov All Publications Use of isotopic tungsten tracers and a stable-isotope-mixing model to characterize divertor source location in the DIII-D metal rings campaign HELIOS: A Helium Line-ratiO Spectral-monitoring Diagnostic for High Resolution Plasma Profiles near the ICRH Antenna on TEXTOR Global Particle Balance Measurements in DIII-D H-mode Discharges... HEAT Simulation and IR Data Comparison for ST40 Plasma-Facing Components Filterscope Techniques for Parasitic Signal Screening Multi-physics modeling of tungsten collector probe samples during the WEST C4 He campaign Dependence of high-Z redeposition on the field-to-surface pitch angle and other sheath parameters in tokamaks Design and analysis of actively-cooled, edge-transport diagnostic for long-pulsed operation in WEST Calibration improvements expand filterscope diagnostic use Oak Ridge National Laboratory Official TM Cover: Development and Qualification of Tungsten Reference Materials for LA-ICP-MS Refining light impurity content estimates at the lower divertor based on experimental data in WEST The effectiveness of D2 pellet injection in reducing intra-ELM and inter-ELM tungsten divertor erosion rates in DIII-D during the Metal Rings Campaign 13C surface characterization of midplane and crown collector probes on DIII-D Development of an Integrated Multidiagnostic to Assess the High-Z Impurity Fluxes in the Metallic Environment of WEST Using IMAS OEDGE modeling of far-SOL tungsten impurity sources and screening in WEST 3D ion gyro-orbit heat load predictions for NSTX-U Characterizing W sources in the all-W wall, all-RF WEST tokamak environment Development of an Integrated Multidiagnostic to Assess the High-Z Impurity Fluxes in the Metallic Environment of WEST Using IMAS Initial results from boron powder injection experiments in WEST lower single null L-mode plasmas Developing solid-surface plasma facing components for pilot plants and reactors with replenishable wall claddings and continuous surface conditioning. Part A: concepts and questions DIII-D research advancing the physics basis for optimizing the tokamak approach to fusion energy Developing solid-surface plasma facing components for pilot plants and reactors with replenishable wall claddings and continuous surface conditioning. Part B: required research in present tokamaks Operating a full tungsten actively cooled tokamak: overview of WEST first phase of operation Report on the Second MPEX User Research Forum The role of BT-dependent flows on W accumulation at the edge of the confined plasma Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 … Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links ORCID Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Fusion Energy Division Burning Plasma Foundations Section Power Exhaust and Particle Control Group