Andres E Marquez Rossy Technical Assistant Staff, Processing & Characterization Contact 865.341.0158 | All Publications Ceramic–metal composites for heat exchangers in concentrated solar power plants Ability of x-ray computed tomography to resolve critical flaw size in laser-based, paste stereolithography ceramic printing of alumina Enhancing Mechanical Properties of Carbon–Silicon Steel through Two-Stage Quenching and Partitioning with Bainitic Transformation: Ultimate Tensile Strength of 1875 MPa and Total Elongation of 8.03% Considering interplay between multiple physical phenomena to elucidate single crystal-like texture, phase transformations, and mechanical behavior of directed energy deposited SS316L Achieving superior mechanical properties: Tailoring multicomponent microstructure in AISI 9254 spring steel through a two-stage Q&P process and nanoscale carbide integration Leveraging the digital thread for physics-based prediction of microstructure heterogeneity in additively manufactured parts Oak Ridge National Laboratory Compilation of AMMT Quality Assurance Procedures Report Outlining Computed Tomography Strategy and Microscopy Approach to Qualifying AM 316 Materials Microstructure and high temperature properties of tungsten processed via electron beam melting additive manufacturing Additive manufacturing as a processing route for steel-aluminum bimetallic structures Effect of Volumetric Energy Density on Microstructure and Properties of Grade 300 Maraging Steel Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Multi material/functionally graded wire arc additive manufacturing of high strength steel valves clad with nickel alloy 625 used for oil extraction Mechanical Behavior of Additively Manufactured Molybdenum and Fabrication of Microtextured Composites Creep behavior of $\gamma$-TiAl fabricated via electron beam additive manufacturing Statistical Estimation of Strain Using Spatial Correlation Functions Austenitic parent grain reconstruction in martensitic steel using deep learning Competitive adsorption within electrode slurries and impact on cell fabrication and performance A stochastic scan strategy for grain structure control in complex geometries using electron beam powder bed fusion Nickel-based superalloy single crystals fabricated via electron beam melting Crystallographic texture evolution in electron beam melting additive manufacturing of pure Molybdenum Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing of Refractory Metals Architecture and properties of TCR fuel form On the nonlinear temperature dependence of residual stresses in solid oxide fuel cells Microstructure and properties of a high temperature Al–Ce–Mn alloy produced by additive manufacturing Cryo-quenched Fe–Ni–Cr alloy decorative steel single crystals II: Alloy phases, structure, hardness, tensile, tribological, magnetic and electronic properties Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page ›› Last page Last » Organizations Physical Sciences Directorate Materials Science and Technology Division Materials Structure and Processing Science Section Materials for Advanced Manufacturing Group User Facilities Manufacturing Demonstration Facility