Adriana Moreo Research Staff, UT/ Faculty with ORNL JFA Contact 865.241.1698 | All Publications Magnetic phase diagram of a two-orbital model for bilayer nickelates with varying doping Prediction of 𝑠±-Wave Superconductivity Enhanced by Electronic Doping in Trilayer Nickelates La4Ni3O10 under Pressure Electronic structure, self-doping, and superconducting instability in the alternating single-layer trilayer stacking nickelat... Block Mott insulating state induced by next-nearest-neighbor hopping in the 𝑆=3/2 zigzag chain BaCoTe2O7 Structural phase transition, s±-wave pairing, and magnetic stripe order in bilayered superconductor La3Ni2O7 under pressure... Electronic structure, magnetic correlations, and superconducting pairing in the reduced Ruddlesden-Popper bilayer La3Ni2O6 under pressure: Different role of d3z2−r2 orbital compared with La3Ni2O7 Electronic structure, dimer physics, orbital-selective behavior, and magnetic tendencies in the bilayer nickelate superconductor La3Ni2O7 under pressure Trends in electronic structures and s±-wave pairing for the rare-earth series in bilayer nickelate superconductor R3Ni2O7 Stability of the interorbital-hopping mechanism for ferromagnetism in multi-orbital Hubbard models Electronic structure, magnetic properties, spin orientation, and doping effect in Mn3Si2Te6 J=0 nonmagnetic insulating state in K2OsX6 (X=F, Cl, and Br) Estimation of biquadratic and bicubic Heisenberg effective couplings from multiorbital Hubbard models Strongly anisotropic electronic and magnetic structures in oxide dichlorides RuOCl2 and OsOCl2 Prediction of orbital-selective Mott phases and block magnetic states in the quasi-one-dimensional iron chain Ce2O2FeSe2 under hole and electron doping Theoretical study of the crystal and electronic properties of α−RuI3... Electronic and magnetic properties of quasi-one-dimensional osmium halide OsCl4 Multitude of topological phase transitions in bipartite dice and Lieb lattices with interacting electrons and Rashba coupling Charge doping effects on magnetic properties of single-crystal La1−xSrx(Cr0.2Mn0.2Fe0.2Co0.2Ni0.2)O3 (0≤x≤0.5) high-entropy perovskite oxides Magnetic states of the quasi-one-dimensional iron chalcogenide Ba2FeS3 Orbital-selective Peierls phase in the metallic dimerized chain MoOCl2 Origin of Insulating Ferromagnetism in Iron Oxychalcogenide Ce2O2FeSe2 Oxygen magnetic polarization, nodes in spin density, and zigzag spin order in oxides Peierls transition, ferroelectricity, and spin-singlet formation in monolayer VOI2 Orbital ordering in the layered perovskite material CsVF4 Similarities and differences between nickelate and cuprate films grown on a SrTiO3 substrate Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 … Next page ›› Last page Last » Organizations Physical Sciences Directorate Materials Science and Technology Division