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Peierls transition, ferroelectricity, and spin-singlet formation in monolayer VOI2...

by Yang Zhang, Ling-fang Lin, Adriana Moreo, Gonzalo Alvarez, Elbio R Dagotto
Publication Type
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Physical Review B
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Using ab initio density functional theory and single-orbital Hubbard model calculations via the density matrix renormalization group method, we systematically studied the monolayer VOI2 with a 3d1 electronic configuration. Our phonon calculations indicate that the orthorhombic Pmm2 FE-II phase is the most likely ground state, involving a ferroelectric (FE) distortion along the a axis and V-V dimerization along the b axis. Specifically, the “pseudo Jahn-Teller” effect caused by the coupling between empty V (dxz/yz and d3z2−r2) and O 2p states is proposed as the mechanism that stabilizes the FE distortion from the paraelectric phase. Moreover, the half-filled metallic dxy band displays a Peierls instability along the b axis, inducing a V-V dimerization. We also found very short-range antiferromagnetic coupling along the V-V chain due to the formation of nearly decoupled spin singlets in the ground state.