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Transportation Planning for Irradiated Fuel-Clad and Integral FeCrAl Experiments...

by Annabelle G Le Coq, Rodger C Martin, Kory D Linton
Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

Building the material database for accident tolerant fuel concepts requires movement of experiments to ORNL from other national laboratories, commercial reactors, and international collaborators. This report summarizes the current fleet of available and proposed casks for handling small scale fuel shipments and the immediate challenges to be addressed in order to perform shipments in support of accident tolerant fuels development under the Advanced Fuels Campaign. Shipping recommendations and a description of unresolved issues associated with the shipment are provided for three experiments: ATF-1 LOCA (ATF-18), the Halden irradiated Instrumented Fuel Assembly (IFA) 796 experiment, and the Hatch lead test rods. Each of these experiments represents an important step in continuing the accelerated testing of FeCrAl cladding for commercial applications.