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Standard Modular Architecture for Consumer End Plug and Play Interfaces...

by Madhu Sudhan Chinthavali, Radha Sree Krishna Moorthy, Aswad Adib
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
Proceedings - 2021 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC)
Publication Date
Page Numbers
2105 to 2112
Conference Name
2021 Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition
Conference Location
Phoenix, Arizona, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
Conference Date

The growth in load and generation sources at the edge of the grid is driving the innovation in power electronic (PE) grid interfaces at the consumer end to improve the grid resiliency, reliability, security, and cost of the future infrastructure. Novel PE technologies are key enablers for the future grid infrastructure to handle the issues that arise because of the projected growth. This paper introduces a novel fundamental building block (FBB) architecture with plug-and play features. An example framework that enables co-ordination of multiple FBBs hierarchically to provide various grid functions is also presented. The FBBs are designed to be equipped with advanced features like online health monitoring, embedded intelligence, and decision-making capability for enhancing the metrics of consumer end plug and play interfaces. The paper elaborates on the proposed architecture and the developed framework i.e., the controls, communication, protection, and the corresponding timing requirements for the building blocks. The architecture and the framework have been validated through simulations and the communication framework has been validated with a control hardware in the loop platform.