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Phase-field modeling of chemical control of polarization stability and switching dynamics in ferroelectric thin film...

by Ye Cao, Sergei V Kalinin
Publication Type
Journal Name
Physical Review B
Publication Date

Phase-field simulation (PFS) have revolutionized the understanding of domain structure and switching behavior in ferroelectric thin films and ceramics. Generally, PFS is based on solution of a (set) of Ginzburg-Landau equations for a defined order parameter field(s) under physical boundary conditions (BCs) of fixed potential or charge. While well-matched to the interfaces in bulk materials and devices, these BCs are generally not applicable to free ferroelectric surfaces. Here, we developed a self-consistent phase-field model with boundary conditions based on electrochemical equilibria. We chose Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 ultrathin film consisting of (001) oriented single tetragonal domain ( ) as a model system, and systematically studied the effects of oxygen partial pressure, temperature and surface ion on the ferroelectric state, and compared it with the case of complete screening. We have further explored the polarization switching induced by the oxygen partial pressure and observed pronounced size effect induced by chemical screening. Our work thus helps to understand the emergent phenomena in ferroelectric thin films brought about by the electrochemical ionic surface compensations