Shrinkage of the initially low-density buffer layer in tristructural isotropic (TRISO) coated fuel particles during irradiation is a well-known phenomenon with potential implications for fission product and actinide transport, as well as potential pyrocarbon fracture that in some cases has been observed to impact particle performance. During post-irradiation examination, the buffer layer's structure is commonly determined using 2D microscopy of a particle cross section or a series of particle cross sections at staggered depths. Although these methods provide a general idea of the irradiated buffer microstructure, they do not provide a full picture of the TRISO coating microstructure. By contrast, x-ray computed tomography (XCT) provides full 3D imaging of the TRISO particle. Particles from various compacts irradiated for the Advanced Gas Reactor Fuel Development and Qualification Program were imaged using XCT. Some of these particles were selected because of abnormal fission product inventories (e.g., low 137Cs), whereas others were randomly selected from the center of the fission product inventory distribution. Qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques were applied to the randomly selected particles as representatives of typical TRISO behavior to study the post-irradiation structure of the buffer layer. These results showed that, while separation of the buffer and inner pyrolytic carbon layers was a common behavior during the radiation-induced shrinkage of the buffer, a portion of the original buffer/inner pyrolytic carbon interface remained intact throughout irradiation in nearly all cases. These results also indicated clear trends in the degree of buffer densification with irradiation temperature and fluence.