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Invertible neural networks for E3SM land model calibration and simulation...

by Daniel M Ricciuto, Jiaxin Zhang
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
AI for Earth Sciences: #ai4earth at virtual @ICLR2022 April 29
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1 to 10
Publisher Location
California, United States of America
Conference Name
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR): AI for Earth Sciences
Conference Location
Virtual, Tennessee, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
multiple organization including industry and academy
Conference Date

We apply an invertible neural network (INN) for E3SM land model calibration and simulation with eight parameters at the Missouri Ozark AmeriFlux forest site. INN provides bijective (two-way) mappings between inputs and outputs, thus it can solve probabilistic inverse problems and forward approximations simultaneously. We demonstrate INN's inverse and forward capability in both synthetic and real-data applications. Results indicate that INN produces accurate parameter posterior distributions similar to Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling and it generates model outputs close to the forward model simulations. Additionally, both the inverse and forward evaluations in INN are computationally efficient which allows for rapid integration of observations for parameter estimation and fast model predictions.