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Entropy and Enthalpy Mediated Segregation of Bottlebrush Copolymers to Interfaces

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Page Numbers
8910 to 8922

The composition of polymer blends near interfaces can differ from the average blend composition because the attraction of each polymer toward surfaces is controlled by its chemistry, size, and architecture. In this work, we studied thin film blends of bottlebrush copolymers and linear homopolymers to understand the enthalpic and entropic effects that drive preferential segregation of one constituent to film interfaces. Bottlebrush copolymers containing polystyrene (PS) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) side chains were blended with either linear PS or linear PMMA, and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy was used to quantify the distribution of bottlebrushes through the film thickness as a function of homopolymer type, homopolymer molecular weight, and processing conditions. We found that the bottlebrush copolymers segregated to air and substrate interfaces above a critical molecular weight of the linear homopolymer, consistent with an entropic preference for chain ends and shorter chains toward the interfaces. This segregation was used to tailor the surface wettability of blend films using bottlebrush additives as a minority component. Modeling using self-consistent field theory highlighted effects of conformational entropy and enthalpic interactions in driving almost complete segregation from the interior of the films toward interfaces. Furthermore, enthalpic interactions were predicted to cause lateral phase segregation in cases where the homopolymer is preferred over the bottlebrush copolymer at the substrate, an effect that was also observed in experiments. This study demonstrates that bottlebrush copolymer additives can be designed to spontaneously segregate to surfaces in thermal blends, providing a possible route to decouple surface properties from bulk properties.