Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
2024 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC)
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1 to 6
Publisher Location
New Jersey, United States of America
Conference Name
2024 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC)
Conference Location
Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
Conference Date
This paper presents a comparative study of the DC-DC converters used in heavy-duty fuel cell electric vehicles for different input fuel cell stack configurations and voltages in terms of various important metrics including efficiency, cost, weight and power density. Contrary to conventional use of an interleaved boost topology, the analysis presented in this paper demonstrates that improved converter metrics can be achieved for an interleaved buck topology that uses a different input fuel cell stack. An insight to the optimal choice of number of interleaved phases for each metric is also presented. Results presented in the tables and plots convey the findings.