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Corporate Fellow Tom J. Wilbanks of the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory has been named chair of the Committee on the Human Dimensions of Global Change of the National Academy of Sciences.
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An award-winning system developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to clean up perchlorate pollution is now also helping scientists determine whether the contamination is natural or man-made.This latter application could be instrumental in tracking environmental perchlorate, finding its source and ...
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Catherine "Casey" Porto, associate vice president for technology transfer and executive director of Case Technology Ventures at Case Western Reserve University, has been named director of technology commercialization for Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
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This year's United Way campaign at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has raised nearly $825,000 for East Tennessee agencies, far exceeding the goal and setting a record with the largest amount ever for an ORNL drive. The ORNL total of $824,468 -- the largest for any campaign in the region -- includes em...
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Restoring sight to millions of people is the vision of a project that combines the assets of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Second Sight, Doheney Eye Institute and other Department of Energy national laboratories.

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Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), the Department of Energy's largest science construction project, recently received two awards from the Tennessee Labor Management Conference -- the Award of Excellence in labor-management rel...
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National security could be enhanced with a system that quickly sorts and evaluates spatial and geographic information captured in enormous volumes of images. The Oak Ridge National Laboratory-developed system combines the lab's expertise in a number of areas and addresses the problem of having too m...
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Nanoscale synthetic cell membranes developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory move researchers one step closer to creating artificial cells and manmade interfaces that could one day be used to treat diseases and perform other tasks at the cellular level. In a paper to be published in an upcoming iss...
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Stellarators confine hot plasma in a circular, three-dimensional magnetic field, or torus, inside a fusion reactor. Fusion energy researchers have long sought the best shape for that field to optimize reactor performance. A team from Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Fusion Energy Division has designe...
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Flooding causes more damage to buildings throughout the United States„ — particularly residential buildings„ than any other single natural event. Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have found through tests that damage to homes from future flooding can be minimized through repair or renovation...