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Secretary Wright, left, addresses media, standing up at a microphone with a green backdrop with ORNL's logo "Oak Ridge National Laboratory" and an oak leaf multiplied throughout. There are two men standing off to the right of the speaker.

During his first visit to Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Energy Secretary Chris Wright compared the urgency of the Lab’s World War II beginnings to today’s global race to lead in artificial intelligence, calling for a “Manhattan Project 2.”

A picture containing indoor, equipment, control panel

A research partnership between two Department of Energy national laboratories has accelerated inspection of additively manufactured nuclear components, and the effort is now expanding to inspect nuclear fuels. 

Four scientists are standing in a field next to a data-gathering tool robot

Scientists at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory recently demonstrated an autonomous robotic field monitoring, sampling and data-gathering system that could accelerate understanding of interactions among plants, soil and the environment.

5 scientists in blue and white coats are leaning over the wind blades covered in orange and yellow material

ORNL researchers reached a significant milestone by building an entire 6.5-foot turbine blade tip using novel materials. The team then tested it against the forces of simulated lightning in a specialized lab at Mississippi State University, where the blade tip emerged pristine after tests that isolate the effects of high voltage. 

A speaker is standing at the podium in front of a PowerPoint slide with the title of the workshop on it, with 10 people in the audience

More than 200 stakeholders attended a recent workshop at DOE’s Manufacturing Demonstration Facility to discuss the future of powder metallurgy-hot isostatic pressing as a manufacturing technique. 

Three team members stand holding their award for bet paper by Welding Journal

A paper written by researchers from the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory was selected as the top paper of 2023 by Welding Journal that explored the feasibility of using laser-blown powder direct energy deposition, or Laser-powder DED.

seven scientists' headshots are listed horizontally in a graphic representing the Battelle Distingished Inventors

Seven scientists affiliated with ORNL have been named Battelle Distinguished Inventors in recognition of being granted 14 or more United States patents. Since Battelle began managing ORNL in 2000, 104 ORNL researchers have reached this milestone.

A silicon-carbide-based thermal protection system developed by ORNL and Sierra Space researchers will be used on the Sierra Space DC100 Dream Chaser.

Researchers with the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Sierra Space Corporation have developed a new silicon-carbide-based thermal protection system, or TPS, for reusable commercial spacecraft. 

Pictured is a 3D printed roosting structure for bats.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers are using a new bioderived material to 3D print custom roosting structures for endangered bats.

Pictured is a 3D printer that creates objects using electron beam melting, looks like a glowing orb.

Researchers have developed and 3D printed the lightest crack-free alloy capable of operating without melting at temperatures above 2,400 degrees Fahrenheit, which could enable additively manufactured turbine blades to better handle extreme temperatures, reducing the carbon footprint of gas turbine engines such as those used in airplanes.