Upcoming Training Courses
Training is provided by developers and expert users from the ORNL team. Courses provide a review of theory, description of capabilities and limitations of the software, and hands-on experience running problems of varying levels of complexity.
All attendees for the SCALE training courses must be licensed users of SCALE 6.3 which is available from ORNL/RSICC and the RIST/NUCIS in Japan.
Please request the software at least two months prior to the start of the training course.
Course Dates and Descriptions
The next training block will be held at Oak Ridge National Laboratory March 3-28, 2025. There will be no virtual or hybrid option for the courses. Registration fee information is available here. Registration will open in January.
March 3-7, 2025 (Mon-Thurs: 8am-5pm and Fri: 8am-12pm EDT) - SCALE Criticality Safety and Radiation Shielding. An example of the agenda can be viewed here.
March 10-14, 2025 (Mon-Thurs: 8am-5pm and Fri: 8am-12pm EDT) - SCALE/ORIGEN Standalone Fuel Depletion, Activation, and Source Term Analysis. An example of the agenda can be viewed here.
March 17-21, 2025 (Mon-Thurs: 8am-5pm and Fri: 8am-12pm EDT) - SCALE Criticality Safety Calculations. An example of the agenda can be viewed here.
March 24-28, 2025 (Mon-Thurs: 8am-5pm and Fri: 8am-12pm EDT) - Source Terms and Radiation Shielding for Spent Fuel Transportation and Storage Applications. An example of the agenda can be viewed here.
Training Courses Extended Descriptions
Nuclear Data Fundamentals and AMPX Libraries Generation
Polaris/PARCS for LWR Core Analysis
SCALE Criticality Safety Calculations
SCALE Criticality Safety and Radiation Shielding
SCALE Modeling and Simulation for Nuclide Inventory and Decay Heat in LWR Spent Nuclear Fuel
SCALE/ORIGEN Standalone Fuel Depletion, Activation, and Source Term Analysis
SCALE/Polaris Lattice Physics, Depletion, and Uncertainty Analysis
SCALE/TRITON Lattice Physics and Depletion
SCALE Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis for Criticality Safety Assessment and Validation
Source Terms and Radiation Shielding for Spent Fuel Transportation and Storage Applications