Wednesday - Friday, April 26 - 28, 2023
Presented In-Person and Virtually from Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Event Contacts
- Germina Ilas,
- Will Wieselquist,
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Tutorial Sessions
- Rob Lefebvre, Shane Hart (ORNL) - Frequent Fulcrum Functions: The Basics of SCALE’s Graphical User Interface [supporting files]
- Germina Ilas, Bk Jeon (ORNL) - LWR Decay Heat Analysis with SCALE [supporting files]
- Steve Skutnik, Briana Hiscox (ORNL) - ORIGEN Library Generation with TRITON [supporting files]
- Jesse Brown, Jordan McDonnell (ORNL) - SCALE Utilities for Nuclear Data Interrogation, Comparison, and Visualization [supporting files]
- Cihangir Celik, Steve Skutnik (ORNL) - Activation Analysis with ORIGEN/MAVRIC for Advanced Reactors [supporting files]
- Germina Ilas, Shane Hart (ORNL) - SCALE Modeling & Simulations for Source Terms in Spent Nuclear Fuel [supporting files]
- Jordan McDonnell, Will Wieselquist (ORNL) - SCALE Sensitivity [supporting files]
- Dave Pointer (ORNL)
- Germina Ilas (ORNL)
Technical Session - SCALE Team Highlights
- Jesse Brown, Jordan McDonnell (ORNL) - ENDF-VIII.1 and AMPX
- Ugur Mertyurek (ORNL) - HALEU/HBU/ATF Reactor Physics (Updates)
- Kursat Bekar, Will Wieselquist (ORNL) - SCALE and NCSP
- Germina Ilas, Rabab Elzohery (ORNL) - Validating Actinides and Fission Products for Burnup Credit Criticality Safety Analyses – Nuclide Compositions Prediction with Extended Validation Basis, NUREG-7108 Revisited
- Travis Greene, Lisa Reed (ORNL) - NCS Applications using SCALE 6.3.0
- Rike Bostelmann (ORNL) - Non-LWR Updates
Tutorial Sessions
- Steve Skutnik, Shane Hart (ORNL) - Obiwan from A to Z
- Ugur Mertyurek, Rike Bostelmann (ORNL) - New Sensitivity Metrics in Sampler
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Technical Session - Special Session (Invited Talks)
- Jeff Schmidt (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission) - The Application of SCALE in Licensing Reviews
- Hany Abdel-Khalik (Purdue University) - Inference Methods for Reactor Calculations
- Maik Hennebach (Orano-NCS, Germany) - Orano NCS – Use of SCALE in our R&D Projects
- Bojan Petrovic (Georgia Tech) - Use of SCALE at Georgia Tech for Senior Design Projects
- Justin Clarity (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) - Uses of SCALE in UNF-ST&DARDS
Technical Session - SCALE Open Mic
- Antonio Jiménez-Carrascosa (currently at Paul Scherrer Institut [PSI], Switzerland), N. García Herranz, O. Cabellos
(Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain)
- Assessment of Nuclear Data Libraries for SFR Simulation using SCALE - Marta Berrios Torres, Alfonso Barbas (ENUSA, Spain) - Control BUC: Automation of Criticality Calculations with Burnup Credit under Flexible Operation Conditions
- Kai-Martin Haendel, Mehmet Kadiroglu, Alexander Mühle, Elina Oberlander, and Antonia Zipfel (TÜV NORD, Germany) - Experience with the SCALE Code System
- Lon Paulson (GE Nuclear) - GNFA SCALE Applications in Support of Advanced Fuel Cycle
- Christopher Bayne, Bojan Petrovic (Georgia Tech) - Impact of Multigroup vs. Continuous Energy Data on MSR Depletion Analysis
- Rakim Hirji (Georgia Tech) - Shielding Analyses using MAVRIC with Continuous Energy and Multigroup Cross Sections
Working Lunch
Germina Ilas (Moderator, ORNL), Syd Ball (ORNL), Ian Gauld (ORNL Retired) Cecil Parks (ORNL Retired/Boston Government Services), Will Wieselquist (ORNL) - 50 Years of ORIGEN Impacts (Panel)
Technical Session - Best Practices for SCALE Modeling & Simulation
- Donny Hartanto, David Chandler, Karen Hogue, Gregory Westphal (ORNL) - Analyzing Safeguards-Relevant Parameters of a Fast-Spectrum Molten Chloride Salt Reactor
- Arzu Alpan (ORNL) - Reactor Pressure Vessel Fluence Validation
- Rabab Elzohery (ORNL) - Nuclide Inventories with ORIGAMI for Criticality Safety Models
- Bk Jeon, Will Wieselquist (ORNL) - ORIGEN Sensitivities in 6.3
- Kang Seog Kim, Ugur Mertyurek, Matt Jessee, Will Wieselquist (ORNL), Andrew Ward (University of Michigan) - SCALE-6.3.0/Polaris-PARCS-v3.4.2 Validation: Reactor Physics
- Shane Hart, B.J. Marshall (ORNL) - VADER in a Nutshell
Tutorial Sessions
- Rob Lefebvre, Shane Hart (ORNL) - Fulcrum Data and Geometry Visualization
- Donny Hartanto, Jin Whan Bae (ORNL) - Molten Salt Reactor Analysis with SCALE
Friday, April 28, 2023
Technical Session - SCALE Open Mic
- Annie Berens (University of Tennessee-Knoxville [UT-K]) - SCALE Modeling of High Temperature Gas Reactors
- Zain Karriem, Brad Skidmore, Joe McVeigh (ORNL) - ORIGEN Neutron Source Calculations for Pu-238 Program Material Packages
- Matthew Krupcale, Brian Ade, Tom Norby, Richard Reed, Andrew Conant (ORNL) - Target Activation and Analysis GUI (TAAG) Introduction and Test Problem
- Zoe Richter (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) - Modeling a Pebble Bed Gas-Cooled Reactor with SCALE
- João Claudio Batista Fiel (Instituto Militar de Engenharia, Brazil) - Analysis of the Parameterization Efficiency of the Macroscopic Cross Section of PWR Nuclear Reactors
Technical Session - Best SCALE Model Contest
- Mario Redondo Morales, Nuria García-Herranz and Antonio Jiménez-Carrascosa (UPM) - Winner
- Annie Berens (UT-K)
- Jonathon Faulkner (Georgia Tech) - 2nd Place
- Ethan Krammer (University of New Mexico)
- Zoe Richter (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Jonathan Wing (UT-K)
- Mathieu Dupont (ORNL)
- Rabab Elzohery (ORNL) - 3rd Place
- Donny Hartanto (ORNL)
- Matt Jessee (ORNL)
- Kang Seog Kim (ORNL)
- Matthew Krupcale (ORNL)
- B.J. Marshall (ORNL)
Closing Session
- Will Wieselquist (ORNL)
- Germina Ilas (ORNL)