Honors and Awards
Oak Ridge National Laboratory leverages the talents of its world-class researchers to help solve today’s critical scientific and technical challenges and, in so doing, we create economic opportunity for the nation. ORNL embraces the pursuit of innovative ideas; provides access to unique facilities, laboratories, and equipment to staff and visitors; and invests in its people to ensure their success—and ours.
Our investment in top-notch ideas, staff, and facilities is evident in the honors and awards our accomplished researchers receive. Our staff regularly win industry and society awards, and numerous patents and licenses are filed each year for discoveries and technology developed here at ORNL. We count two Nobel prize winners and two 2 National Academy of Engineering members among our staff, and 19 ORNL researchers were elected Fellows of their professional societies in 2019.
For information on the honors and awards conferred on ORNL staff, please contact ORNL Honors and Awards (awards@ornl.gov).
ORNL's Office of Communications works with national, regional, and local media outlets on news stories about the laboratory.
For more information on ORNL and its research and development activities, please refer to one of our Media Contacts. If you have a general media-related question or comment, you can send it to news@ornl.gov.