For her advancement of the scientific underpinnings of mass spectrometry as well as collection technologies and strategies with a focus on nuclear nonproliferation.
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All Corporate Fellow summaries reflect the awardee and ORNL at the time the fellowship was awarded.
For her contributions to the development and application of advanced electron microscopy techniques for the study of a broad range of energy and quantum materials.
For his fundamental and translational research including development of leading systems, processes, sensors and controls.
For his scientific and technology contributions to Earth system model development and applications, significantly improving predictions of how terrestrial ecosystems respond to climate change.
For significant achievements in advancing battery and energy storage technologies, which are critical for the clean energy transition.
For pioneering advanced microscopy techniques for the microstructural characterization of alloys and the improved of materials for nuclear energy applications.
For leading scientific contributions in fusion energy sciences with a focus on electromagnetic plasma turbulence and on the stability and dynamics of the edge region of magnetic fusion plasmas.
For significant impacts to the fields of synthetic biology and biological interfaces, innovations in the use of chemistry and nanotechnology to develop a molecular mechanistic understanding of complex biological systems, and pioneering approaches in chemical imaging through integration with mass spectrometry-based detection.
For revolutionizing the understanding of radiation interactions with metals and ceramic in nuclear energy applications and outstanding leadership and mentoring of the next generation of scientists.
For his pioneering efforts in silicon carbide–based power electronics, which have paved the way for vehicle and grid infrastructure advancements, enabling transformational achievements in wireless power transfer and electric drivetrain applications, and for the continuing significant impact his accomplishments will have on the global move toward the electrification and decarbonization of the mobility sector.