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Cryogenic Belt Driven Sample Changer

Invention Reference Number


Neutron beams are used around the world to study materials for various purposes. Materials samples that are examined using a neutron beam in academic research and for industrial uses must be manually and singly loaded into a cryogenic vessel in a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. This technology is a low-cost, belt-driven device that reduces and automates the menial task of manual single sample changeouts in a cryogenic system, providing an efficient and inexpensive method for sample changeout.


This technology provides an efficient way to change out samples in a cryogenic system. A motorized stainless steel belt drives like a conveyor to change out samples quickly, efficiently maximizing sample throughput and minimizing beam time loss. Sample changeout requires time because each sample must be cooled to cryogenic temperatures, but this system allows multiple samples to be pre-cooled, reducing waiting time. The device thus minimizes thermal loss and maximizes sample quantity for space available in a cryogenic system. Many different samples may be studied. Two sample changers allow one to be loaded while another is operating and collecting data, minimizing turnaround time.


  • Lightweight
  • Small footprint
  • Low cost
  • Low heat load and heat loss
  • Easy to set up, operate
  • No bulky parts
  • Can’t freeze or jam
  • Low thermal conduction
  • Labor drastically reduced
  • Beam time reduced

Applications and Industries

  • Manufacturers of closed cycle refrigeration systems and cryostats 
  • X-ray light source
  • Industries using liquid nitrogen


To learn more about this technology, email or call 865-574-1051.