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Automotive Secure Hijack, Intrusion, and Exploit Layered Detector (Auto-SHIELD): A Vehicle-Agnostic Approach to Controller Area Network Intrusion Detection

Invention Reference Number


Modern automobiles are operated by small computers that communicate critical information via a broadcast-based network architecture called controller area network (CAN). Previous research has demonstrated risks due to inherent vulnerabilities within CAN architecture. While automotive cybersecurity is growing as a critical national security asset, manufacturers' implementation of security controls is inconsistent and largely unregulated. Thus, after-market security technologies have become vital to the transportation cybersecurity ecosystem. Auto-SHIELD contributes to the cybersecurity posture of vehicles and fleet organizations by deploying an ensemble of CAN-based intrusion detection technologies on live CAN data. Auto-SHIELD is highly configurable and modular, focusing on the ease of development and implementation of new and current detection algorithms.


To learn more about this technology, email or call 865-574-1051.