Translating Lab Innovation into Market Solutions
Oak Ridge National Laboratory connects ORNL innovations in scientific discovery, energy technology, and national security to the world’s biggest challenges.
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ORNL develops innovative tools researchers need to address key science questions and enable cutting-edge research, from microscopes to novel machines.
ORNL research enables the greater understanding, use and discovery of chemicals applicable to energy technologies.
Creating advanced and intelligent detectors and sensing solutions through pioneering discovery, development, computational sensing, and analytics.
Technologies for the generation, distribution, storage, and end use of energy
Advancing solutions to scientific challenges in genomics, computational biology, microbiology, microbial ecology, biophysics and structural biology.
Harnessing machines, ideas and data to create breakthroughs in quantum computing, artificial intelligence, data analysis, security and more.
Unmatched capabilities in materials, neutrons, and computational science to develop innovations in an array of technologies, including polymers, additive manufacturing, magnets, and carbon fiber.
ORNL researchers develop advanced materials and processes, such as enzymes, polymers, membranes and foams, to assist cutting-edge technologies.
ORNL researchers discover interdisciplinary answers to critical situations impacting human safety and national security, including cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and privacy.
Discovering solutions to the transportation challenges of today and tomorrow, from contactless power transfer for electric vehicles to algorithms to ease shipping and manufacturing obstacles.
See the full list of available technologies from ORNL.