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Available Technologies

1131 - 1140 of 1800 Results
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Current pathways to generate biofuels either ferment sugars derived from biomass or convert them to a partially-oxygenated intermediate to be reduced to higher density fuels.

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Graphene has great potential to serve as a separation membrane due to its unique properties such as chemical and mechanical stability, flexibility and most importantly its one-atom thickness.

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The superoleiphobic coatings repel most all liquids and are applicable to most all surfaces. The applications are numerous, including drag reduction, anti-fouling, anti-icing, stain-resistance, water proofing of surfaces and fabrics to name a few.

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The invention relates to magnetic amplifiers and more specifically to a gapless configuration for such amplifiers. The presence of air gaps in the core causes larger audible noise or humming sound, and complicated manufacturing and assembly.