Zhiming Gao Contact 865.241.5018 | gaoz@ornl.gov All Publications Development and testing of residential micro-CHP powered by opposed piston engine... Clean Condensing Gas Furnace Effectiveness of Advanced Three Fluid Heat and Mass Exchanger Internally cooled membrane-based absorber for dehumidification and water heating: Validated model and simulation study Global kinetic modeling of NH3-SCR with two sites of NH3 storage on Cu-SSZ-13... Engine-Aftertreatment in Closed-Loop Modeling for Heavy Duty Truck Emissions Control Evaluation of electric vehicle component performance over eco-driving cycles Using a Phenomenological Computer Model to Investigate Advanced Combustion Trajectories in a CIDI Engine... The impact of TXV heating on the performance of air-source heat pump in heating mode... Energy dataset of Frontier supercomputer for waste heat recovery A Dynamic Model of Refrigerator with Thermal Energy Storage for Demand Flexibility High Temperature Heat Pumps and Their Roles in the Decarbonization of Building and Industry Benchmark Testing of Two Residential Refrigerators Using R-600a District heating utilizing waste heat of a data center: High-temperature heat pumps Technology Feasibility of High-Temperature Heat Pumps for Industrial Drying Process in the US Sequential Dual Alignments Introduce Synergistic Effect on Hexagonal Boron Nitride Platelets for Superior Thermal Performance Development of a micro-combined heat and power powered by an opposed-piston engine in building applications PINCH POINT ANALYSIS OF GAS COOLERS IN TRANSCRITICAL R1336mzz(Z) HIGH-TEMPERATURE HEAT PUMPS... Development of Clean Condensing Furnace Using Advanced Catalyst Exploring Class 8 Long-Haul Truck Electrification: Key Technology Evaluation and Potential Challenges Application of Wireless Charging at Seaports for Range Extension of Drayage Battery Electric Trucks ORNL Campus Sustainability and Decarbonization using Waste Heat Recovery from the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility’s High-Performance Computing Data Center Acidic Gas Reduction Enables Clean and Efficient Residential Natural Gas Furnace Characterization and Electrochemical Analysis of Acidic Condensate-Induced Corrosion on Aluminized Coating on Steel in Residential Heaters Acidic Gas Reduction For Residential Natural Gas Furnace Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Google Scholar ORCID https://www.ornl.gov/staff-profile/zhiming-gao Organizations User Facilities National Transportation Research Center